Welcome to St Joseph’s Primary School. We hope that you, your child and your family will be very happy during your time with us. We know from experience that children settle into school life and very quickly become part of the St Joseph’s family.
Click here for our School Prospectus: St Joseph’s Prospectus
When starting at a new school, there can be a lot of information to take in. On this page you can find a helpful summary of what new parents need to know.
Things To Do When Joining
- Buy a new uniform at the uniform shop uniform4kids We also have regular second hand uniform sales at the school.
- See, and subscribe to, the School Calendar
- Follow what your child’s class has been up to by checking in every week Class News
- Once you receive your sign on and password, sign-up for ParentPay, where you will manage all payments for things like events and trips. All school letters are sent out via ParentPay. If you are not receiving messages, please log onto your ParentPay account and double check that your email and mobile number are correctly recorded. If you have any other queries please contact the school office by email.
- Get more involved with the Parents & Friends Association by volunteering or sharing your skills PFA Page. / st_joes_pfa@outlook.com
- Meet (or sign-up to be) a parent Class Rep – email the school office
- Follow the school’s social media channels on Twitter
- Sign your child up for one of the school’s many clubs and activities
- Sign your child up for the music clubs after school through Artistiv St Joseph’s Music Centre Application Form
- Sign up for Extended School 7:30am until 6:00pm using the Extended Club Booking Form
- Help us maintain and improve the buildings and grounds by donating to the school building fund
- Remember to label your child’s clothes, bags and water bottles with their name! Lost items are kept near classrooms or handed back if they are labelled.
- Check your child’s Free School Meal eligibility. This is very important, as the school gets extra funding for every eligible FSM child registered, which is more we can spend on their education.
- Check what childcare support you are eligible for childcare calculator
Things To Know
- The school has soft start so you can drop children off at school from 8:40am. Morning registration is from 8:55am and pick up for Nursery is 3:00pm and 3:15pm for all other children Reception through to Year 6. Children are typically in school for 31 hours 40 minutes.
- Do you need extended school provision? if so you can drop off children from 7:30am and pick up from 6:00pm. Apply on line using the Extended Club Booking Form
- If you are trying to contact the office, email is best office@st-josephs.islington.sch.uk. Please remember that the very busy times are between 8:45 am and 9:15 am and then 2:45 pm and 3:30 pm. It may be worth contacting us outside of these hours if you have an urgent need. We also strive to reply to emails as quickly as possible and this is often a good way to get messages to teachers or the after school club as we can easily forward messages.
- If you wish to get a message to your child or class teacher, please contact the office by email office@st-josephs.islington.sch.uk before 12:00 noon.
- If you wish to get a message to the Enrichment Clubs, After School Club, or Breakfast Club please call the office and leave a message on the After School line by selecting option 2 or alternatively email asc@st-josephs.islington.sch.uk.
- To report your child’s absence, or if your child is going to be late for any reason, please call the office and leave a message on the absence line by selecting option 1. Parents should telephone or email the School Office every day of a pupil’s absence before 8.55 am.
- Parents must report Children leaving school early or during the school day to the School Office and Class Teacher. Please come to the main office to pick up /drop off. If you need to request your child’s absence during term time for any other reason, please write or e-mail the Head Teacher with an explanation so that Mrs Noronha can decide whether the absence can be authorised.
Forms To Complete
- Starting School (information pack)
- Starting Forms for Early Years Children
- Starting Forms for Children in Years 1 – 6
- St Joseph’s Building Fund
- 30 hours instructions
- Parent Declaration for the 30 Hour Code
- Apply for Free School Meals (Islington Residents) – Islington residents, first register to use this portal, then you can check whether you can claim free early education and childcare for your two year old child, and/or Free School Meals.
Apply for free school meals (Other boroughs) – Check if your child can get free school meals in England and find out how to apply on your local authority’s website.
- After School Club Application Form
- Minor illnesses and attendance a Guide for Parents and Carers
- Common childhood communicable and infectious diseases A-Z
- Do I need to keep my child off school