A short and snappy week in year 3 filled with lot’s of fun and learning. We have been exploring setting descriptions in our English lessons. Pupils have been developing their awareness of the different parts…
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Year 4 – Terrific Triangles
This was a short week but it started off sweet as we have been using marshmallows and spaghetti to explore structures in Science. On Monday we investigated why triangles are used to support structures. We…
Read MoreYear 5 – A week full of science experiments!
This week in their Science lesson the children have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes. We conducted an experiment to see whether mixing vinegar and bicarbonate of soda together would be a reversible or…
Read MoreYear 1 fun
The year 1 children loved planting their own individual bulbs in our outdoor area this week with Sofia. We can’t wait to see how they turn out in Spring. The children also got to hear…
Read MoreNursery Mud Glorious Mud!
This week in Nursery we had a great time exploring mud and what we can do with it. We started by listening to songs and stories about mud, then we shared our ideas about what…
Read MoreYear 2 – A Magical Week!
Wow! What a week in Year 2! We had the most amazing trip to see Frozen at the theatre and it definitely did not disappoint! We were completely blown away by the show and agreed…
Read MoreYear 5 – This week we have been politicians, designers, architects and presenters!
We have had a very busy week in Year 5, full of exciting lessons and activities! On Monday, Year 5 Tanzanite class welcomed our local M.P. the Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn into the classroom and…
Read MoreReception – Gruffalo Hot Seating, Number Lines and Reading!
Reception have LOVED learning all about The Gruffalo, today they really enjoyed hot seating as the Gruffalo and the Mouse – asking each other questions and answering as the character. We have even taken our…
Read MoreYear 1: Shrek’s Adventure
The year 1 children went on a magical trip to a land far far away at Shrek’s Adventure. The children had an amazing time whilst developing their knowledge about fairy tales and creative stories.
Read MoreYear 4 – Egypt Assembly
After lots of learning about Ancient Egypt, lots of rehearsals on the stage, a whole bunch of singing practise, Blue Class put on their assembly! We are so proud of all their hard work and…
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