Nursery have been enjoying some amazing activities in the glorious weather this week. On Wednesday we took part in a gardening workshop. We learnt the best way to grow a sunflower, and we all were…
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Reception’s trip to Golders Hill Park
Reception had a fantastic day out at Golders Hill Park. We were very lucky with the beautiful weather – Spring is on the way! We began by boarding the 210 bus towards Brent Cross and…
Read MoreNursery: Solidarity and St. Patrick
Nursery started their week by discovering another big beanstalk growing in their classroom! This time there were gigantic clues to investigate, and we soon worked out there must be a giant around! We read ‘Jack…
Read MoreOutdoor Learning in Reception
Reception were treated to a special afternoon of outdoor learning with our Environmental Tutor, Miss Sophia. As part of our learning about Minibeasts, Miss Sophia talked to us about their habitats and how we can…
Read MoreNursery’s Beantastic Week
This week in Nursery we have had lots of fun. The week began with both classes finding something strange coming down from the ceiling. The children quickly picked up magnify glasses and began to look…
Read MoreReception: A jam packed week!
Reception’s busy week began with Local History Week. Our focus was the story of Dick Whittington. The children were set the task of looking out for the statues of Dick Whittington’s cat on their journey…
Read MoreOur Ducklings fun weekend
This weekend our ducklings were taken home by two of our work colleagues to be cared for. They did a fantastic job of looking after them and making sure they were warm, fed, watered and…
Read MoreNursery ‘eggciting’ news!
What an exciting week! Some eggs arrived on Tuesday and we waited patiently for them to hatch. We have had a wonderful time predicting what will happen and talking about the experience as they have…
Read MoreReception Cake Sale
We have had another busy week in Reception. It began with a discovery of a mysterious hole in our outdoor area. We investigated what might be living in the hole. Some suggestions were rabbits, foxes,…
Read MoreNursery is growing up!
Nursery have started a new exciting topic: Growing up! We started this week by talking about ourselves – we looked at photos of when we were babies and toddlers, and discussed how we have changed….
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