We’ve had a great couple of weeks in Year 5, with so much interactive fun! We have finished making our Doodlers, after a successful design process where the children investigated circuits and evaluated the effectiveness…
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Year 3: J2 Animate- Exploring digital media
This week Year 3 have been exploring the ‘Stop Animation’ program within their computing lessons. The pupils began to build their background for their animation by creating a starry night. In making cross-curricular links with…
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In Geography, Year 2 have been learning about the similarities and differences between the UK and Ecudaor. This week, the children found out what a landmark is and discovered many new landmarks in both countries….
Read MoreYear 4: Gigantic geysers!
Year 4 celebrated an Earthquakes and Volcanoes day this week which was very exciting! We began the day with a presentation from Miss Roberts, who has actually experienced an earthquake. She discussed her experience, commenting…
Read MoreDiamond Class Assembly
This morning, Diamond class performed an assembly all about ‘Our Wonderful World’. The children sang beautifully and read their lines clearly and confidently. They also prepared some lovely artwork and taught parents how to speak…
Read MoreYear 1 Travel to the Polar Regions!
Year 1 have been researching and imagining what it would feel like to travel to the Polar Regions. We have learned about the Arctic and Antarctica, as well as many of the amazing creatures that…
We are delighted to announce that our year 5 and 6 Sportshall Athletics team are the champions of Islington! They will now go on to represent the borough in the London Youth Games to compete…
Read MoreYear 2: Big Schools’ Birdwatch 2023
Last week, Year 2 took part in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch. It is a simple bird survey for pupils around the UK to take part in and enjoy together. The children had fun counting the…
Read MoreYear 3: Flower Power
This week in year 3 we have been exploring the reproductive process which takes place through pollination, looking closely at the male and female parts of a flower and their functions. Pupils took part in…
Read MoreNursery: Lunar Celebrations and Pig Fun
Nursery has had a very full week. On Monday we celebrated Lunar New Year. We made lanterns, dragons and learnt about all sorts of traditions involved this special festival. We read the story of the…
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