Amethyst Class had a wonderful session with Ms Ioannou, the environmental tutor. She taught us how to spot common London birds, handed out binoculars and sent us off! The children saw all kinds of birds,…
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Year 5 – Caritas in Action
This week as part of our ‘Caritas in Action’ Year 5 took part in a debate! The children had to discuss three statements – I have a right to make my own decisions and if…
Read MoreReception: Mental Health Week and Caritas in Action
What a week in Reception! The children have made the most the dry weather and enjoyed using our large astroturf area for running, rolling, football and more! We have been…
Read MoreYear 3: Celtic Harmony
What a week! We have had another fantastic week to take us right up to half term break. We finished a lovely half term with an amazing trip to Celtic Harmony. Pupils travelled back in…
Read MoreYear 4: Don’t worry be happy!
Year 4 have had a fun-filled week and we managed to squeeze a lot in. In Science, we have been investigating the processes in the water cycle. We drew the water cycle on plastic bags…
Read MoreYear 2: Children’s Mental Health Week and Caritas In Action
This week we have been learning all about children’s mental health. This year’s theme was ‘Growing Together’. We suggested ways in which we can help each other grow. We also learned that some challenges and…
Read MoreAmber Class Assembly
A huge thanks to all the family members that came to watch and support the children today in their assembly. Now, sit back, relax and enjoy!
Read MoreNursery’s Caritas Day and Fantastic Learning
This week in Nursery we have been super busy. On Tuesday it was Safer Internet day and we learnt from Digiduck how to be safe on our computers and iPads. The children then made their…
Read MoreYear 4: Thank you
Year 4 would like to wish our kind parents a big thank you for all of the wonderful gifts they donated for Christmas. We had a great time opening them up and we are looking…
Read MoreThank you Year 6 families!
We wanted to say a huge thank you to all the very generous families who purchased items for us from our Amazon wishlist. The children were so delighted to receive them. We will have lots…
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