Reception had a fantastic day out at Golders Hill Park. We were very lucky with the beautiful weather – Spring is on the way! We began by boarding the 210 bus towards Brent Cross and…
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An Eventful Week in Year One
The children had a great week learning about St. Patrick and discussing the term solidarity. Everyone had a week of fun learning both inside and outside the classroom. The children loved listening to Irish music…
Read MoreYear 2: Caritas in Action
This term for Caritas in Action we reflected on the meaning of ‘Solidarity’. We discussed what it means in relation to the unfortunate events that are happening in Ukraine. We know that God created all…
Read MoreYear 6: Caritas in Action
Today, our focus for Caritas in Action was solidarity. The pupils wrote beautiful prayers for Ukraine, showing they stand in solidarity as Christians to help those suffering from the war. The pupils wrote thoughtfully, asking…
Read MoreSunny Times in Reception
To show our solidarity with Ukraine Reception made paper chains and talked about saying a prayer for the children and families in Ukraine who have had to move countries because of the war. With each…
Read MoreYear 5 – Conducting investigations using parachutes!
This week in Science the children conducted investigations to find out how effective different types of parachutes are. The children were exploring the force air resistance and were looking to find out how the shape…
Read MoreNursery: Solidarity and St. Patrick
Nursery started their week by discovering another big beanstalk growing in their classroom! This time there were gigantic clues to investigate, and we soon worked out there must be a giant around! We read ‘Jack…
Read MoreYear 3: Caritas in Action
For this week’s Caritas in action, we turned again to remind ourselves of the meaning of the word ‘solidarity’ with a focus on current affairs. Pupils gained further insight into the meaning of solidarity through…
Read MoreYear 4: Caritas in Action
It has been a busy week in Year 4 and the children have engaged in a range of activities. In Science, we have been learning about the digestive system and we conducted a gory experiment…
Read MoreYear 2: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Today, as part of our St. Patrick’s Day celebrations at St. Josephs, we were treated to a spectacular performance filled with traditional Irish music and dance! It was truly spectacular to see some instruments such…
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