We have had another fun and exciting week in year 3 to end another fantastic half term! We would like to start by congratulating our 4 Year 3 representatives for the ‘Speak Out’ challenge. They…
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Year 4: Jubilee Celebrations
What a day we’ve had! This morning Year 4 were jumping for joy at their sponsored bounce. The children bounced until they could bounce no more! Thank you to everyone who supported the fundraising efforts,…
Read MoreNursery-A Busy but Brilliant Week
This week in Nursery it has been super busy. On Monday we came to school and found a mermaid’s tail in our classrooms. We also found a bag with a mermaid and her mermaid bell…
Read MoreYear 1: Sharing stories with the lovely Year 6s.
The Year 1s have been working incredibly hard for the past half term building up to writing their own stories based on ‘The Secret of Black Rock.’ This week they became published authors, as they…
Read MoreReception: Baking bread and planting sunflower seeds
Reception have had another fantastic week. With summer approaching, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to plant some sunflower seeds in our outdoor area. The children prepared the flower bed by taking out…
Read MoreIndigo Class Assembly – A Jubilee Celebration
“Amazing presentation from all the kids” “Loved it! Didn’t want it to finish.” “Beautiful – lovely that each child got to shine! As always, so much thought and effort went into the producing a wonderful…
Read MoreYear 4: Drop, Cover and Hold on!
This week we prepared our very own disaster plans for the event of an earthquake. We identified some top tips, planned survival strategies and practised the earthquake drill – drop, cover and hold on! Hopefully…
Read MoreYear 3: Made of Muscles
We have had another exciting and action-packed week in year 3. Pupils have been studying how the body works in science investigating how our muscles and joints work to help us move and function. We…
Read MoreYear 2: SATS Completed!!
We did it!!!!!!!! We finished a whole week of SATS! Year 2 have worked tremendously hard this week and Miss Clarke and Mr Drumm could not be more proud! You have all shown your dedication…
Read MoreTanzanite’s Prayer Service Hospitality and Hope
Tanzanite class welcomed parents into the classroom for their prayer service. During May we honour Mary as the Mother of Jesus and this theme was used as a way to reflect on welcoming others. Images…
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