Wow! We are so pleased to say that we had an array of amazing historical figure costumes in Year 2 to celebrate ‘World Book Day’! Everyone from Cleopatra to Rosa Parks was present, as well…
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Pests Aplenty in Year 6!
We were treated to a fun and fascinating visit from the author Emer Stamp this week. She is the creator of the Diary of a Pig and PESTS series. Emer began by going round the…
Read MoreReception Cake Sale
We have had another busy week in Reception. It began with a discovery of a mysterious hole in our outdoor area. We investigated what might be living in the hole. Some suggestions were rabbits, foxes,…
Read MoreYear 5 – A look at the Alpine region!
This week in their Geography lesson the children have been learning about the Alpine region in Europe! They had a chance to use an atlas to explore some of the different countries and regions in…
Read MoreNursery is growing up!
Nursery have started a new exciting topic: Growing up! We started this week by talking about ourselves – we looked at photos of when we were babies and toddlers, and discussed how we have changed….
Read MoreYear 2: Young Gardeners
This week, we started our new topic in Science called ‘Young Gardeners’. We will be identifying the parts of plants and explore how seeds and bulbs grow into plants over time. We will also be…
Read MoreYear 3: Spring into spring
In our learning this week we have begun to explore our new topic ‘How does your garden grow?’ This science topic will focus on plants and how they grow. Pupils had the opportunity to investigate…
Read MoreYear 4: Terrific Teeth
We have had a great week back to school! On Wednesday we were very lucky to have a visit from a famous author Emer Stamp. When we arrived at the hall she checked us to…
Read MoreYear One Wild Rumpus
This week the children began their new class book, ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. Today the children went hunting around the school ground to find some wild things! Eventually the children found what they were…
Read MoreAuthor Visit: Emer Stamp
EMER STAMP Wednesday 23rd February Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 It was an exciting Wednesday morning at St Joseph’s! Bestselling author, EMER STAMP, came into meet our Year 3, Year 4, Year…
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