It seems the joy of Christmas never ends at St Joseph’s! Year 5 has been lucky enough to receive some great gifts to enjoy this year, and we want to say a BIG thank you….
Read MoreYear 5
Year 5: Sports celebrations!
Happy Friday Year 5! This week we put our Geography hats on and had fun finding out what the key topographical features of the UK are. Adults at home, see if the children still remember…
Read MorePrayer for Pope Benedict XVI
On Thursday we watched the funeral Mass for Pope Benedict XVI and talked about his life and the organisation of the Catholic church. We then wrote some remembrance prayers in his honour. Here is one…
Read MoreA Rockin’ Carol Service from Year 5
Happy new year and a warm welcome back to Year 5! In just three days, we have packed in a lot of great work. Thank you so much for your dedication to rehearsals this week….
Read MoreMerry Christmas to all from Year 5
The last week of term and it has been jam packed! We finished writing our balanced argument about gorillas in Zoos, celebrated end of term Mass and played in the snow! We had a great…
Read MoreRehearsals, Christmas activities and an impactful workshop
Our carol concert is fast approaching and the excitement for Christmas is building! We’ve been rehearsing a lot this week! We also got into the Christmas spirit at our Christmas shop – we proved that…
Read MoreIt’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Year 5!
Carol concert practice is well underway! Don’t forget to check out Google Classrooms so you can practice the songs at home. This week, we delved deeper into our exploration of irreversible changes, lighting candles (very…
Read MoreFizzy Science in Year 5
There was bubbling and fizzing galore in science this week as we explored the chemical change that takes place when bicarbonate of soda (an alkaline) mixes with an acid. We know that this is a…
Read MoreAn Active Maths Week!
Year 5 celebrated maths week with Numberfit – a website that gets children up and moving while they learn their maths! We also practiced our arithmetic skills with work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division….
Read MoreAnother Eventful Week in Year 5!
Year 5 enjoyed an informative visit to the Synagogue on Tuesday. We heard so many stories of Jewish traditions and learnt so much! In science, we got experimental with filters and sieves separating mixtures! We…
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