It has been a wonderful first week back for Year 4! The children have returned from the summer holidays refreshed and eager to learn with a smile on their faces. After the children settled into the new year group, we began some of our new topics. We explored the school’s mission statement and prayer in Religion, with the children participating and producing reflective and thoughtful answers. In maths, we have delved into place value and shown fantastic knowledge of numbers up to 1000. We also started making predictions in English about our new focus book based on clues.
The children also discussed their favourite book of all time, as well as the genre and books they have been reading over the summer! We created book reviews for our friends to read and made recommendations detailing what the book was about, their favourite part and their favourite characters! The children were extremely enthusiastic which is what we love to see!
It has been an exciting start to the year and the children have made a positive start which is a joy to see!