This week in Year 3 Green class have been hard at work practising their for their class assembly. Please join us next Friday at 9:30 in the Ks2 hall for a trip down the Nile to Ancient Egypt.
Throughout the week, the children have been sharing all of their fantastic homework projects including pyramids, mummies, powerpoint presentations and more!! All of your hard work over the holidays is much appreciated as it really helps to bring our topic learning alive. We have also used our chrome books to continue our research on Egypt. We focused on interpreting the symbols to identify the River Nile, key cities and famous landmarks across the country.
In Maths we have continued our fractions learning, comparing and ordering fractions and using a fraction wall to identify equivalent fractions.
We ended the week on a high – bouncing to raise funds for the school through the sponsored bounce. Thank you for all your donations so far – don’t forget you can still donate by handing your money to the school office next week.
We hope you enjoy the extra long weekend. Don’t forget your swimming kits on Tuesday!