This week year three have been working extremely hard and have shown determination to bounce back into the routine of school life. We were lucky enough to have an amazing rocks soils and fossils workshop with our environmental tutor Ms Loannou. Pupils were introduced to the different layers of the earth and the 3 main, natural rock types which can be found in our local environment. Pupils were able to explore the woodland area in search of different rock types. They also had the opportunity to dig in the soil and explore the elements found in the topsoil layer of our woodland.
In other areas of the curriculum we have been exploring what we already know about the Stone Age and what we would like to find out by the end of the topic. In English, we have been exploring our new text ‘Fox’ and pupils produced some fantastic simile poems which will benefit their end goal which will be our ‘Big Write’.
Have a fantastic long weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday.
Miss Jennings, Mr Murphy and Mrs Leedham