To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week and as part of #GetIslingtonReading, the National Literacy Trust invited us to take part in the #Take10ToRead challenge. It celebrates the benefits of reading for well-being and calls on children and adults to start a daily reading habit. To mark the occasion year 3 have had opportunities every day to read for pleasure.
In other areas of our learning, we have produced some fantastic pieces of extended writing based on the key text ‘Jemmy Button.’ Pupils published informative letters highlighting the details of Jemmy’s journey from the uncivilised rainforests of South America in 1825, to the civilised world of London. In maths, we have started our new topic ‘Time.’ Pupils have enjoyed revising familiar concepts of ‘o’clock’ ‘half-past’, ‘a quarter past’ and ‘a quarter to.’ In addition to this, yet again, we have received some fantastic home projects for our local history topic. It is fantastic to see pupils taking control of their own learning at home!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Jennings and Mr. Forbes