This week in Nursery we have been very busy. We have continued to have new friends join us in our classes and they have liked exploring their environment. We have continued to explore our topic…
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Year 3: We Will ROCK you
This week year three have been working extremely hard and have shown determination to bounce back into the routine of school life. We were lucky enough to have an amazing rocks soils and fossils workshop…
Read MoreNew topic in Reception
Red and Ruby class have done a fantastic job of settling in and we have now introduced our new topic to the children: ‘People who help us’. First we talked about the people who help…
Read MoreYear 6: A huge welcome back!
It was magnificent to see so many happy faces back buzzing around St Joseph’s! Pupils conducted themselves throughout the school with a strong maturity and sense of pride, a great example to set for our…
Read MoreYear 4: Welcome back!
We have finished our first week in Year 4 and what a week it’s been. We have been so impressed with how quickly our children have jumped into their learning. This week we have begun some…
Read MoreWelcome to Year 3
We have hit the ground running in year 3 and are getting back into the swing of things after our lovely summer holidays. Miss Jennings, Mr Murphy and Ms Leedham are extremely impressed by the…
Read MoreWelcome back Year One!
Wow! What an incredible first week Year 1 have had! They have transitioned from reception so well and adapted to their new surroundings incredibly. In numeracy, they counted forwards and backwards up to 20. In…
Read MoreWelcome back Year 2!
Wow! What an amazing first week back Year 2 have had! In RE, they made some artwork linked to our school mission statement – ‘We love, learn and grow with God at the centre!’ and…
Read MoreWelcome to Reception!
Welcome to Reception to all of our new and existing children and families! We have had a busy, but exciting, week getting to know each other and our classrooms. The children shared the objects from…
Read MoreWelcome back Year 5!
Welcome back! We are so excited to have you all back in school, ready and raring to learn. We had an eventful first day back – sharing stories about our dream holidays and reflecting…
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