Another successful and busy week in Year 6. We have started our extended write in English, focusing on a recount of our fantastic trip to PGL – Little Canada. In Maths, we carried on with…
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Year 4: Happy Harvesters!
Year 4 have been thinking all things Harvest this week as they prepare for their Harvest celebrations. These handy helpers worked together to collect leaves with different shapes and sizes at home and in our…
Read MoreFun with Mosaics in Year 5!
A lovely week for Year 5! We certainly had fun in music focusing on rhythm and beat and copying drumming patterns with Mr Bunting. To continue our learning on Anglo-Saxons, we used our own research…
Read MoreYear 2: A Visit to the Museum of London
Earlier this week, Year 2 had an amazing time exploring the Museum of London! The Great Fire of London section was perhaps the most interesting as the children will be learning more about this historic…
Read MoreNursery-Owl Babies
This week in Nursery we have continued to explore the book ‘Owl Babies.’ The children have been practising their scissor skills by making their own owl babies stick puppets. They used clay, feathers, buttons and…
Read MoreYear 2: Investigating germs
Today in Science, Year 2 carried out an investigation on germs. The children were given plates with water which had black pepper sprinkled on top – this represented germs. They then took turns at dipping…
Read MoreIslington Schools Year 5/6 Boys Football Finals
Today our year 5/6 boys football team took part in the first Islington schools football competition finals of the school year. Having gone through the the qualification round they put their skills to the test…
Read MoreReception learns about occupations
Reception have been learning about people who help us in more depth this week. We have talked about emergencies and the specialists who help us in these situations. We drew, painted and collaged police and…
Read MoreA Sporty Week in Year 5!
Year 5 have had an eventful week. Alongside our fantastic sports day, we continued to practice our tag rugby skills, practicing our sideways passing skills. We also completed a character narrative for English. We worked…
Read MoreYear 4: Athletes in the making!
This week we took part in St Joseph’s Sports Day and it was a blast. The children tried a range of track and field events, before the much-anticipated races. They even convinced some parents and…
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