We now have new areas in the library dedicated specifically to Science. EYFS can find their books downstairs. KS1 and KS2’s books are on display upstairs on the rocket shelf. There are a range of…
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Online Safety for Parents – connecting school to home
This week we have been learning about Online Safety. Internet Matters has designed some resources to support parents and carers as they tackle their child’s online safety. What can you do to keep your child…
Read MorePrayer for Pope Benedict XVI
On Thursday we watched the funeral Mass for Pope Benedict XVI and talked about his life and the organisation of the Catholic church. We then wrote some remembrance prayers in his honour. Here is one…
Read MoreYear 2: Welcome Back!
We started off the new term in Year 2 by taking some to remember Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI who passed away on 31st December 2022. We watched some clips of his funeral which took place…
Read MoreNursery’s new theme
Nursery have settled really well after the holidays and were introduced this week to their new theme: ‘Animal Fun’. We have been discussing what we know about animals, and what we would like to find…
Read MoreCatholic Life – Pupil Chaplains
Welcome to our new pupil chaplains who have been chosen for this very important role within St Joseph’s. We are the Pupil Chaplains of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School and we are incredibly proud…
Read MoreYear 6: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
On our return to school, we were saddened by the news of Pope Benedict XVI passing away. We felt it was important to honour the once leader of the Catholic Church, therefore we decided to…
Read MoreA Rockin’ Carol Service from Year 5
Happy new year and a warm welcome back to Year 5! In just three days, we have packed in a lot of great work. Thank you so much for your dedication to rehearsals this week….
Read MoreYear One Back to School
Happy New Year! Even though the children were only in three days this week It was a great end to the first week of 2023 for the Year One team with fun times and lots…
Read MoreYear 3: 100 Percent Attendance
Welcome back to all our Year 3’s as we begin a new term. Our Year 3’s returned this week bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to launch themselves into their learning. We could not move on in…
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