Sapphire Class produced a wonderful assembly demonstrating all of the knowledge they have acquired so far in our topic: Ancient Egypt! They spoke clearly and confidently with amazing expressions and delivery of their lines! We…
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Nursery: Another Nautical Week
The children have enjoyed many more nautical adventures this week. We found a treasure map in a bottle and followed it all the way to the treehouse! Inside was lots of interesting pirate treasure which…
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What an exhilarating Sports Week we’ve had! On Monday we had Middlesex Cricket Club taster sessions, where the children got a feel for the skills required to become an expert cricketer. On Tuesday, we were…
Read MoreYear One: Fitness Fanatics
A massive well done to all the Year Ones who took part in Walk to School Week and our School Sports Week. The pupils had a great week walking to school and completing various fitness…
Read MoreYear 6: Sports Week
Well, what a fantastic week we had for School’s Sports Week. We had a plethora of activities and sports to play, all with the aim to boost physical literacy, promote engagement in sports and maintain…
Read MoreYear 4: Fitness fun!
This week we celebrated School Sports Week in St Joseph’s and what a week it was! Year 4 began the week by getting involved in the sponsored ‘Walk to School’ challenge. This was a five-day…
Read MoreYear 3: Spring Gardeners
This week Year 3 had their environmental studies session in the woodland area. Pupils were given opportunities to share their knowledge from their science topic ‘How does your Garden Grow?’ which they studied in Spring…
Read MoreYear 2: Waterproof or absorbent?
This week in Science, Year 2 learned about waterproof and absorbent materials. If a material is waterproof it keeps water out but if it is absorbent then it will soak up liquids such as water….
Read MoreSt Joseph’s Sponsored ‘Walk With Wildlife’ Five Day Walking Challenge
St Joseph’s pupils take to the streets for Sponsored Walk to School Week (15 – 19 May 2023) Our pupils will join thousands of children across the UK to take to their feet for Living…
Read MoreNursery’s Fishy Fun
The nursery children have enjoyed continuing their ‘adventures under the sea’ this week. Our new book was ‘Rainbow Fish’ and we created some beautiful representations of him with playdough, paint techniques and collage. We also…
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