This week in Year 2 we have been venturing outdoors to explore nature and gather materials for our wonderful art work! We began looking into the creative work from Andy Goldsworthy and the different textures,…
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Hot and Cold Art in Year 3!
It has been an excellent week in Year 3 (as always)! We have enjoyed writing fantastic descriptive paragraphs and poems as Harry Potter. We focussed on expanded noun phrases and alliteration, writing phrases like: dreadful,…
Read MoreMayan masks and electric circuits!
This week the Year 5 children have been testing to see whether a range of materials are electrical conductors or electrical insulators. The children have been learning about the properties of materials in Science and…
Read MoreBouncing around
Today we had so much fun and just loved bouncing around in the bouncy castle for the sponsored bounce. In the words of Tigger – Life is not about how fast you run or how…
Read MoreBouncing into Summer…
Year 1 Green Fingers
This week Year 1 put on their gardening gloves and had a lesson with our environmental teacher Sofia. They learnt all about what a plant needs to grow. They were all given herb seeds to…
Read MoreHey! Ho! Let’s Grow!
This week the children came into the classroom to find that a huge beanstalk had magically grown over the long weekend! We spent some time exploring and talking about where it could have come from…
Read MoreFractions and fun in Year 2!
We have had a fantastic week of learning in Year 2! In Maths, we have continued our learning all about fractions and have been exploring halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and of different amounts….
Read MoreNew sounds and Handa’s Surprise
As ever, we have been very busy in Reception learning lots of new sounds. We have consolidated our knowledge of our new ai and ee digraphs by making and labelling our own snails and writing…
Read MoreThe Coming of The Holy Spirit
This week we retold and discuss the story of Pentecost. The children created flames and doves to represent the coming of the Holy Spirit. Log on to seesaw to see us acting out the story…
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