This week in Year 5 the children have been putting themselves into the shoes of Afghan refugees. Through the use of a hot seating activity the children all had a chance to answer questions as…
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Year 3 Take a trip back in time
Another extremely productive week from everyone in year 3. We are deep in our discovery of facts and information about the topic ‘Prehistoric Britain’. The focus of our topic learning this week was the paleolithic…
Read MoreYear 4 Orchestra
We have been working very hard this week in Year 4! As part of our topic, we have been researching facts about different countries in Europe and learning how to say ‘hello’ in a range…
Read MoreExploring extreme Earth
In Year 6 this week we have been learning about some of the extreme elements of our planet, including earthquakes and volcanoes. We learned how to respond if an earthquake occurs, following the Drop, Cover,…
Read MoreAll About Emotions
This week in Nursery we have been very busy learning all about emotions. We first read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llena, looking at how colours can represent different emotions. The children then…
Read MoreReading in Reception
We are very lucky to have so many wonderful reading spaces at St Joseph’s. Reception have been enjoying their weekly library trip where they have a special story and change their library books. We also…
Read MoreSchool Library Gold Award
SCHOOL LIBRARY AWARD The Mayor also presented the Library with the School Library Gold Award granted by the ISLINGTON EDUCATION LIBRARY SERVICE with the School Library Association
Read MoreThe Mayor
We welcomed The Worshipful the Mayor of Islington to St Joseph’s in July. He came to launch the SUMMER READING CHALLENGE The children gave him a standing ovation as he walked through the school on his way…
Read MoreCollaborative constructors!
We have had another awesome week in year 1. We have been working so hard on our counting numbers from 0-20 throughout the week involving paint and crayons. This week in science we also learned…
Read MoreExploring living things in our wonderful outdoor environment
Hello all! This week the Year 6s had a wonderful time exploring our outdoor environment to continue our science work. The children worked together to identify a range of living things and then back in…
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