We have made it to the final half term! This week we welcomed back our classes for their last half term as year threes. We have hit the ground running this week in all areas…
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Nursery has a ‘taste of the world’.
Nursery started their topic ‘A taste of the world’. They arrived to find some exotic fruit in their class! They discovered that it belonged to Handa from our key text: ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We investigated the…
Read MoreYear 4: Young Scientists!
What a day we’ve had! We started off with an author visit from Frank Cottrell Boyce, who introduced his new book ‘Noah’s Gold’. He explained the process of writing a book and we found out…
Read MoreYear 1: Our Phonics superstars!
This week our Year 1 children have blown us away by applying all of the phonics that has been taught to them so far. We really have been very proud of the children and the…
Read MoreYear 5: The Lost Book of Adventure.
Welcome back all! We hope that you had an enjoyable half term. Year 5 have been preparing to write adventure narratives based on ‘The Lost Book of Adventure’ published by Teddy Keen. The children were…
Read MoreEYFS Queen’s Jubilee Celebration
What a fantastic day we had today Celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee! We started off the day with our sponsored bounce which was SO much fun! …
Read MoreYear 2: Happy Jubilee!!
A fun filled day with lots of celebrations for the Queen’s Jubilee in Year 2! We had a range of activities throughout the day, including the sponsored bounce, eating delicious Jubilee themed cupcakes and painting!…
Read MoreYear 6: Jubilee Celebrations
Year 6 had an amazing day celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee: they drew dramatic portraits, ate their Jubilee lunch outside in the sun, and enjoyed special cupcakes! They also had lots of fun doing their sponsored…
Read MoreYear 5: A Jolly Jubilee Celebration
What a day it has been in St Joseph’s! Year 5 spent the morning excitedly learning about the Queen’s many achievements and creating art inspired by the jubilee. We then had a fabulous Jubilee picnic…
Read MoreSpeaker Out Challenge Evening
On Wednesday Night we held the third round of the St Joseph’s Speaker’s Challenge. The theme was “Speak out, Don’t Freak Out.” Pupils from years 2 to 5 wrote and delivered speeches to their classmates. …
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