At the moment, Y3 have been looking at poetry in English, specifically the features that make up a poem and how best to perform one. We soon found a brilliant poet who was even more brilliant at performing his poetry!
In this video, Michael describes his love of chocolate and how one day he just couldn’t control him self and accidentally ate a whole chocolate cake! The children found it very funny but also quite relatable……..
So, we asked the children what their ‘chocolate cake’ is…. we had many ideas such as oreos, doughnuts, cookies, fizzy drinks but unfortunately they didn’t mention any fruit or veg!
As a result, in their English lesson, they were allowed to chance to taste, touch, smell and feel all of those goodies! The outcome was amazing, with children coming up with the best similes, alliterations and onomatopoeia we had ever heard! Take a look at the pictures below and see if you agree with the children!