After School Club (ASC)
Available for all children throughout the school including our youngest children in Little Gems. Children are allocated into Key Stage groups depending on their year (i.e years 4, 5 and 6 are one group and 1,2 3 another and so forth).
Staff are allocated to each key stage phase and have timetabled activities each day such as clay and balloon modelling, sewing, arts and crafts as well as outside play activities. Bingo happens in all key stages on various nights of the week. We also run competitions (theme related) throughout the year such as our ever popular Christmas t- shirt design competition with the winning design will be printed on a t-shirt for Christmas. Everyday there is always a colouring and art station.
Child lead activities mean if a child requests another activity, we will accommodate wherever possible and depending on resources available. Children have organised cooking events and supporting younger children as well as designing their own games and art clubs.
There is a supervised study area equipped with computers as well as a separate quiet room for reading and playing quiet games.
This is the example timetable: KS2 activity table ASC
The Staff
Our Extended School Manager is Mrs Collins and she co-ordinates all Extended day activities and looks after the well being of the children. She can be contacted via email alternatively you can call 0207 272 1270 option 2 and please leave a message as she will pick this up as soon as she can. Alternatively, you can contact Mrs Collins on the ASC mobile number which is 07399 720373. Finance or payment queries should be emailed directly to the Finance Officer Mrs O’Leary in the School Office
Inside, Mrs Gilioo, Ms Marr, who are ably supported by other members of the Breakfast club team, are busy preparing and serving a healthy breakfast and helping children with their homework or setting out table top games and activities.
Mr Grant runs morning PE sessions for the children so after their breakfast they can get outside and take part in games and activities. He also runs some of the enrichment clubs later on in the day after school.
In addition the After School Staff all prepare exciting activities for the children and our permanent core team are as follows:
Our Teaching Assistants and Mealtime Supervisors also bring their expertise and experience to help out and support in the running of the Enrichment Clubs and After School Provision
Our Early Years Team support our Reception and Nursery children who are based in our Little Gems building with the separate outside area. Fun age appropriate activities are organised by the fully trained Early Years team who include:
Our school day runs from 8.40 am to 3.15 pm. The School provides Extended School Services (Breakfast, Enrichment and After School Clubs) is available for children in Nursery to Year 6.
- Breakfast Club 7.30 am to 8.40 am (latest drop off 8:20am)
- Enrichment Clubs 3.30 pm – 4.15/4.30 pm
- After School Club 3.15 pm – 6.00 pm
Check what help you could get with childcare costs
Charges are as follows:
Breakfast Club rate for all children: £7.00
After School Single Children’s rate: £15.00
After School Siblings rate: £13.00
Discounted rates are available for low income working families. See below for more details.
Fees are payable in advance and the full half term can be paid via the school payment system ParentPay but we understand that some parents may also wish to pay weekly in which case please pay direct to the school bank account and make sure you add your child’s name as the reference. We will then credit this amount to your ParentPay account:
Bank Name: | Barclays Bank PLC |
Bank Address: | 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP |
Bank Account Name: | St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School – Disbursement Account |
Sort Code: | 20 00 00 |
Account Number: | 33246485 |
Reference | Your child’s name |
As a publicly funded school we have a no arrears policy so all payments MUST be in advance. If no payment is received after 2 weeks, your child will not be able to continue to attend the provision, but the outstanding balance will still need to be repaid.
Settling In
At the start of each child’s first attendance a member of staff will take your child through the daily routines, in order to familiarise them with the setting, staff and routines. Another child will then usually be allocated to act as the new child’s ‘buddy’ for the first few sessions.
Arrival and departure
Children are collected from their classrooms at the end of the school day by and taken to their designated area. A register is taken daily, with a signing-in/out sheet used at the start and when children leave the After School Club.
Children should always be collected by a known named adult. In exceptional circumstances when it is not possible for your child to be collected by you or the named or regular person, please make sure to contact us in advance to let us know, as this avoids any unnecessary delays because of identification checks.
The club finishes promptly at 6.00pm each day. If you are delayed for whatever reason please ensure to telephone the appropriate club setting to let us know at the earliest possible convenience.
If a child becomes ill whilst in our care, we will telephone the parent/carer in the first instance to inform them of this. If we are unable to get hold of them we will then call their nominated ‘emergency’ contact to collect them. Please make sure that your contact details are always up to date.
We are committed to maintaining high expectations of good behaviour. This is an essential contribution to the enjoyment of the children while attending the extended School Club. We follow the school’s policies and procedures in relation to behaviour.
Child Protection
We comply with local and London Safeguarding Board child protection procedures and ensure that all staff are trained in Safeguarding and have an enhanced DBS certificate. The designated person for Safeguarding and Child Protection is Maria Collins (Extended School Manager). For further details please refer to the school’s Safeguarding Policy.
Policies and procedures
The After School Club operates under the same set of policies and procedures as the school, copies of which are available on the school website.
Children should be collected promptly from the designated area as advised in their confirmation letter. Late pickups will be charged for the staff time who have to remain late.
You can register your interest using the extended club form and return to the School Office. The service is currently oversubscribed and your application will be placed on a waiting list. When a place becomes available the Extended School Co-ordinator will contact you. You will need to inform the school each year if you wish to remain on the waiting list.
To register each term for enrichment clubs, please complete the form from the school office and return with your payment to the Extended School Co-ordinator on a specific day that you will be notified together with the Activity timetable for that term via ParentPay Email.
We are a Healthy School and a supper is provided to children in the After School Club. Caterlink who are an Islington Borough approved provider provide a cooked meal each day with fruit and salad. A seasonal menu is available in the after school club and also on the School’s Website
Children are encouraged to serve themselves, try new foods and to tidy up after they have eaten.
Some low-income working families find it hard to pay for childcare – although tax credits can really help, not everyone is entitled to them and, even if you are, they may not cover all your costs.
So St Joseph’s is offering a limited number of places with a discount of £2 per day (ASC). If your family’s income is £24,999 or lower (gross – before tax) and you are in paid employment, you can apply. These are available on a first come first served basis and limited to one per family.
To apply for one of these places, please contact Louise Palmer via email and ask for the application form
You will need to complete a simple application form and provide original documents to prove:
- your address (utility bill)
- income (weekly or monthly pay slips or audited accounts/HMRC self-assessment form if self-employed).
- your child’s identity (birth certificate or passport).