Year 5 had a fantastic first week back! In science, we started our new topic looking at reversible changes using ice. In R.E., we looked at the Sacrament of marriage and utilised our acting skills!…
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Year 5: Last week of Autumn 1!
It was so nice to meet and chat to parents on Wednesday! We’ve taken part in a range of activities during our last week before half term. We had visitors from UCL students who…
Read MoreQuizzing, Swimming and Debating in Year 5!
Tanzanite class had a busy week, taking a trip down each day to Archway Leisure Centre for an hour of swimming. We worked with our instructors who gave us plenty of time to practice our…
Read MoreFun with Mosaics in Year 5!
A lovely week for Year 5! We certainly had fun in music focusing on rhythm and beat and copying drumming patterns with Mr Bunting. To continue our learning on Anglo-Saxons, we used our own research…
Read MoreA Sporty Week in Year 5!
Year 5 have had an eventful week. Alongside our fantastic sports day, we continued to practice our tag rugby skills, practicing our sideways passing skills. We also completed a character narrative for English. We worked…
Read MoreParachutes and Peacemakers in Year 5!
In music, we have been learning to read and respond to music notation. We composed 4-beat rhythms in pairs and performed them using Kodaly sounds – a method to vocalise note values. In science, we…
Read MoreA ‘Promising’ Second Week!
Our first full week in year 5 and the first topics of the year are now underway! In English, we continued to work with our focus text, ‘The Promise’, and explored a character’s actions and…
Read MoreWelcome back Year 5!
Welcome back! We are so excited to have you all back in school, ready and raring to learn. We had an eventful first day back – sharing stories about our dream holidays and reflecting…
Read MoreYear 5: A trip to St Aloysius college
This week the Year 5 boys took a trip to St Aloysius college to take part in two taster sessions – a Science lesson and an English lesson. In the Science lesson the boys looked…
Read MoreYear 5: A sports taster afternoon.
This week Year 5 visited St Aloysius playing fields to take part in a sports taster afternoon. The sessions were led by staff and pupils from St Aloysius college and involved a whole range of…
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