This week in Nursery we have been very busy learning all about emotions. We first read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llena, looking at how colours can represent different emotions. The children then…
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Welcome to Nursery
During the last few weeks we have been having lots of fun in Nursery, settling into our new classrooms and making new friends along the way . We have started looking at our new topic…
Read MoreButterflies and France in Nursery
This week, we have enjoyed learning about France! Whilst reading the book, ‘Madeline’, we noticed famous landmarks and have completed some wonderful art creating the Paris city sky line with glitter (city of lights), making…
Read MoreIreland and Shapes in Nursery
This week we learnt all about Ireland! We watched and tried to learn some Irish dancing, as well as creating shamrock sun catchers which looks absolutely beautiful in our window. We used an information text…
Read MoreCześć from Nursery
Nursery were learning all about Poland this week! We learnt a traditional Polish tale, created traditional folk art and even had children with Polish backgrounds share their knowledge of Poland including teaching us how to…
Read MoreJam Packed Week in Nursery
We welcomed not only the Summer warmth at the beginning of this week, but also the arrival of our caterpillars! We have began observing how quickly the caterpillars are growing and are documenting their development…
Read MoreVery Hungry Caterpillars in Nursery
It’s been a fantastic return to school this week as children have been getting to know Miss Yeoman, drawing and mark making pictures to tell all about them. We have used caterpillars to do lots…
Read MoreAn Eggcellent week!
This week the children really enjoyed welcoming some new members to Nursery. The children waited patiently and hatched out 14 little chicks which was a fantastic experience for them to be a apart of. We…
Read MoreFee-Fi-Fo-Fum!
This week in nursery we have been learning all about measuring using language such as tall, taller, tallest and short, shorter, shortest as well as large and small. The children enjoyed constructing their own beanstalks…
Read MoreBouncing around
Today we had so much fun and just loved bouncing around in the bouncy castle for the sponsored bounce. In the words of Tigger – Life is not about how fast you run or how…
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