In Mathematics this week, the Year 2 children explored addition and subtraction using dienes . They used the apparatus to build numbers and add them together. Pupils were also able to build larger numbers and…
Read MoreMaths
Year 3’s week in Music and Maths!!
Here are the Year 3’s during their music lessons with Miss Marshall. Mr Woodhouse and Miss Duffy have been impressed with the attitude and the behaviour of the Year 3s. We are surrounded by future…
Read MoreReception: Wonderful Week 6
This week Reception have continued learning about who helps us in our community. Our focus this week was on medical staff who help us. We discussed how doctors help us by keeping us fit and…
Read MoreYear One: Marvellous Maths and Sensational Science!
Another fantastic week of fun-filled learning in Year One! Well done to Amber Class who have won the Maths trophy this week for most activity on Numbots! It is fantastic that so many children in…
Read MoreComputing in Year 1
Year 1 students are very excited to use our learning platform called Busy Things. BusyThings combines fun and laughter with the highest quality of curriculum-linked content. This week children will get their QR logins that…
Read MoreYear 3: Amazing Maths
This week in Year Three, Emerald class and Green class have started adding and subtracting in Maths. Students have used mental strategies as well as concrete resources to show how you subtract and add ones,…
Read MoreYear 1: Fabulous First Week
Year One have had a great week settling in to their new classes. The children have been busy familiarising themselves with our Year One Golden Rules so that they can be the best learners that…
Read MoreNursery’s African Surprise
The children arrived on Monday to find a basket of very exotic-looking fruit and they discovered it belonged to Handa from our story: ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We investigated the fruit by tasting and describing it. We…
Read MoreNursery’s Taste of India
This week Nursery have been learning about India. We enjoyed reading our key text ‘The Runaway Chapatti’. We have had a wonderful time acting out the story, and creating Chapattis using paints, collage and…
Read MoreNursery Are Talking Italian!
The children have been learning about Italy this week and have discovered that some of their favourite foods originate from there. We read our key text ‘Pete’s a pizza’ and created exciting pizzas from collage…
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