What a week in Reception! The children have made the most the dry weather and enjoyed using our large astroturf area for running, rolling, football and more! We have been…
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Nursery’s Caritas Day and Fantastic Learning
This week in Nursery we have been super busy. On Tuesday it was Safer Internet day and we learnt from Digiduck how to be safe on our computers and iPads. The children then made their…
Read MoreAnother incredible week in Reception!
This week the children of Red and Ruby class continued to build on their subitizing skills! Here you can see them representing 6 in different ways, they have also worked on 7 and 8 this…
Read MoreNursery Billy Goat fun!
This week we read ‘The 3 Billy Goats Gruff’. We had lots of fun acting out the story with masks, instruments and small world figures. We took turns to roll a dice and collect amounts…
Read MoreFish? Gifts? Dojos? Fireworks? – What’s Happening in Reception?!
What a week we have had in Reception! We would like to firstly thank all of the parents who gave gifts from our Amazon wish list. The children loved opening these and they will…
Read MoreNursery pigtastic fun!
Nursery had a wonderful time this week reading ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We made some wonderful pig masks and used straw, sticks and collage bricks to make 2D and 3D houses for the pigs. We…
Read MoreNursery’s Farm Fun
This week in Nursery we have been learning about farm animals. We read ‘Mrs. Wishy Washy’ then later read ‘Mrs.Wishy Washy’s Farm and compared them. We made some fabulous farm animal collages and discussed what…
Read MoreReception: A visit to church and outer space!
This week Reception have been reading Star in the Jar. We discovered our very own star in a jar in our classroom and had lots of ideas about where it came from and who it…
Read MoreNursery- Animal Fun!
This week in Nursery we have continued learning our new topic Animal Fun. We have been learning about pets. We read the story ‘I want a pet’ and discussed what makes a good or bad…
Read MoreWelcome back to Reception
Reception have had a busy first week back at school. All the children returned with a smile on Tuesday! We visited the chapel to celebrate Epiphany and thought about how excited the wise men must…
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