Another fantastic week of fun-filled learning in Year One!
Well done to Amber Class who have won the Maths trophy this week for most activity on Numbots! It is fantastic that so many children in Year 1 are practising their number bonds at home! Keep up the good work! Congratulations Amber Class!
Year One had a fantastic lesson with Mrs Ioannou, our Environmental teacher. The children learned about the season of Autumn and how to measure the age of a tree. We had a lovely lesson planting Daffodils and learning about the different parts of a bulb and what flowers need to grow.
Finally, we put our senses to the test for our Science lesson this week! As we are learning all about our bodies, the children went around the different stations where they could guess the scent in the smell jars, describe the feel of different materials and do a taste test. I think its safe to say that the least popular taste was the lemons!