This week in Year One we have been working extremely hard in our Maths and English lessons!
In maths, we have been exploring using arrays when we are multiplying numbers and finding the answers to repeated addition number sentences. The children found this concept tricky at first but were able to persevere, using concrete manipulatives to help them visualise their learning. The children showed their understanding through their really neat, independent work! Well done!
Year One also took advantage of the weather this week and moved some of our maths lessons outside! The children enjoyed using the chalk to practise making doubles and writing number sentences!
Our focus in English this week was looking at and exploring the use of adjectives. The chidren were able to use their prior knowledge to recall that an adjective is a describing word. Year One completed a “role on the wall” activity to generate and share adjectives to describe the main character of Where The Wild Things Are, Max. Year One came up with some lovely adjectives as well as some expanded noun phrases! Super work Year One!