This week in Maths, we looked at the four quadrants when plotting and translating co-ordinates. We discussed how we must always, ‘ go along the corridor & up/down the stairs,’ when plotting on a grid.
In English, we have started writing our flashback narrative based on the story, ‘A Story Like The Wind.’ The pupils have drawn on their plans, as well as setting descriptions, to inform their first drafts for the story. We ensured that we self-assessed as well as peer-assessed our work throughout the writing process to up-level & correct work where possible.
In Science, the pupils have moved on to classifying living things. We drew on our knowledge of classification keys from last week when we classified sweets based on specific characteristics. The pupils went outside and searched for different species of plants and insects, once ticked off, the pupils then classified their living things based on specific characteristics.
In recognition of St Joseph’s Feast Day, the children received ice pops. We also spent some time discussing and learning about St Joseph in more depth.
Message to parents – if you have not done so already, please ensure you have registered your booking for parents’ evening for the coming week. If the dates are not suitable, please contact our school office so that we can reschedule or set up a phone consultation.