This week in Year 6, the pupils had their environmental studies time with Ms. Sofia. During the session, the pupils explored different corners of the school in search for birds. We had a checklist of the local birds that we could find in the area alongside some examples of the calls that the birds would use. It was incredibly important that the children were quiet when conducting this watch so as not to scare away the birds! The reason behind this activity was to encourage our pupils to look out for birds at this specific time of year, due to the fact that food is scarce for them to find with the fluctuating British weather. Ms. Sofia explained that one way we could help birds in our local area is to put out bird food and water on a regular basis throughout this time of year as birds need high-energy, high-fat foods during the colder months. Knowledge is a vital tool for conservation; the more information we have about our local habitats and the species that live within them, the more we can do to protect them. This is a value we hope to instil in our pupils at St Joseph’s Primary.
In other news, we wish you all a restful half-term break, and cannot wait to see you all return in Spring 2!