Welcome Back! It was wonderful to see all those happy faces rejoin our school this Tuesday; we heard many fantastic stories about what the children got up to over the Summer. As you can imagine, the first week back was indeed a busy one.
In Maths, the children began their Year 6 curriculum by looking at numbers up to 10,000,000.
In English, the pupils had the opportunity to write a letter to their teacher about what they did over Summer.
In Art, the pupils held their own art gallery by sketching their own interpretations of an art piece they were investigating. We were blown away by the artistic ability of the pupils and the confident nature in which they explained where they drew their inspiration from.
In PE, the pupils began Netball with their class teacher and had a fitness and fundamentals test with Mr Grant to assess their levels. They competed in sprints, the javelin, speed bounce and skipping.
Information for parents:
The welcome meeting for Year 6 parents will be this Monday, the 11th of September. We encourage you to try and make it if possible!
PE will be held on Wednesday and Friday each week – the children can come to school in their PE kits these days.
Homework has been given out as hard copies, however, from next week, homework will be posted on Google Classroom each week.