Year 5 have been preparing to write newspaper articles! In English this week the children had a chance to analyse the language and the structural features of a range of newspaper articles and discuss the content of the different stories. The children have been reading the book ‘The Promise’ by Nicola Davies and will write a newspaper article based on some of the prominent themes in the book.
In their History lessons the children have been learning about the Kindertransport which was a controlled rescue effort of Jewish children from Nazi controlled territory that took place prior to the Second World War. The children looked at the story of Vera Schaufeld who was only nine years old when she had to travel to Britain in 1939. They thought about what it would have been like to have been forced out of your home, away from your family and to a brand new country.
The children also spent some time with Sophia in the St Joseph’s gardens this week. The children potted sunflower seeds and we look forward to recording the sunflowers as they begin to grow.