This week, we began practising for our Class Assembly Performance. We are so proud of the year 5 students who have gone above and beyond this week by memorising their lines. Students have shown a lot of focus and engagement during rehearsals which has been rewarding to see. We can’t wait to perform next week and show the amazing talent we have in Year 5. Tanzanite class perform this coming Wednesday. Indigo class will perform this coming Friday. Turquoise class will perform the following week.
On Monday, we were visited by Mrs Duffy who spoke to the students about an app design challenge. All students who are interested in participating in the competition, will design an app using a template document provided by the school. The winning app design will then have their app created by professional app makers. The winning app will be accessible for anyone to use. As an added bonus, the winning student will also receive a very special and generous prize. Last year, the student won her own tablet!