This week in their English lessons the Year 5 children have been preparing to write their factual reports on the moon landing! The children have spent the last couple of weeks researching the moon landing and finding out lots of information about Neil Armstrong’s voyage to the moon. This week they had a chance to work in groups to role play and act out the moon landing. They thought about every aspect of the trip from the initial descent onto the lunar surface to the final departure. Next week the children will be using all of their gathered and researched information to write a factual report.
In their Science lesson the children conducted another experiment, this time they had to find out whether mixing hydrogen peroxide with yeast, washing up liquid and food colouring would be a reversible or an irreversible change. The classes conducted the experiment outside and very soon found out that a new substance was created which spilled everywhere! This was an irreversible change.
The children also had a chance to spend some time in our wonderful outdoor environment and planted some daffodils. We cannot wait to see them in full bloom!