Year 4 enjoyed their Environmental class this week, which involved planting and appreciating the sounds of nature.
The children began the lesson by discussing how sounds occur and creating our own circuit of sound. This linked with our current Science topic ‘Sound’ so the children were able to recall their learning and build upon their understanding of how sound travels. Next, they had the opportunity to appreciate the sounds of nature and they each drew their own ‘sound art’ pieces to depict what they could hear.
Then, the children were tasked with spotting the signs of Spring. In pairs they explored our school woodland area to find a range of signs in nature that show us that ‘Spring has Sprung’! These included birds, blossoms, flowers, buds, seedlings and frogspawn, to name a few.
Finally, the children were able to plant their own cornflower seeds. They each had a pot, filled it with compost and sprinkled on the seeds. Now, they have been tasked with taking care of their plants at home so that they grow into beautiful cornflowers.
The Year 4 team also want to give a big shout out to the children who achieved 100% attendance this term. Well done!
We are very proud of all the achievements in Year 4 this term and we think our children deserve a restful and fun Easter break. See you soon.