An exhilarating week in Year 4! We have been busy publishing our English diary entries, working on statistics in Maths, and exploring North America in Geography!
We also stepped off planet Earth and into virtual reality to explore different bridges and their structures in Science. We used this and our knowledge from previous lessons to design our own bridge!
We celebrated our Geography topic with an ‘America Day’ which included, making cakes and tasting tasty American treats. We then played American sports and drew some amazing artwork using chalk.
Our fun has not stopped there! We were thrilled to hear Teddy from Sapphire Class and Edmund from Blue Class, created and designed apps that got recognition for their innovative ideas!
LASTLY, we also had the pleasure of welcoming a professional athlete to our school, Danny Evans! He inspired us all and shared memories and advice about becoming an athlete. We enjoyed hearing that his basketball career started when he was in our year group, in Year 4. Then, we completed some fitness circuits with Danny and enjoyed getting to know more about him! We then enjoyed our Summer Fair, with lots of games, rides, stalls, and activities to partake in! Thank you to all our wonderful staff who have made these events happen!