This week Year 4 were introduced to their focus text for their writing unit; ‘The Lost Happy Endings’. This involved a session on making predictions.
The children were given the last lines of various fairytales and were asked to decipher the meaning and guess which fairytales they matched to. They worked together in groups; discussing common themes, comparing plots and identifying key vocabulary. Then, the children discussed the authors’ techniques and how they had a certain effect on the reader. This was a fun way to explore the new theme of the endings of stories.
After this, the children worked on making predictions. They examined the front cover and identified a range of features which might help them to work out what the story could be about. Next, they read a short extract of the text, which included intriguing similes about happy endings drifting away. Finally, they worked together to think of predictions for what might happen in this story. We were very impressed by the higher level thinking the children were able to use, demonstrating their ability to make inferences and use the evidence they were provided with.
We are looking forward to exploring this text more in the coming weeks, in preparation for writing a persuasive letter.