Year 4 produced a marvellous assembly on Harvest just before half term! The children sang beautifully, learned their lines and spoke clearly and confidently! Even Mrs Noronha was very impressed with the amount of knowledge the children shared about the harvest! A huge thank you to all the parents who joined us and for your amazing comments which were shared with the children, a snippet of some can be found below:
“Beautiful singing, amazing show. All the children were fabulous! Well done Year 4!”
“Amazing assembly! The message of the harvest was lovely and communicated well! Well done to the children and all of the staff.”
“Such a brilliant show, the children should be so proud, it was very educational and beautiful clear singing. Very well done to everyone!”
This week in Year 4, we have started our new topic in geography: Rivers and The Water Cycle! The projects that came in were amazing, full of creativity and lots of research ready to showcase their knowledge throughout the topic! We have also started making predictions on what we think our new focus book in English will be about and have shown great understanding in addition and subtraction to end the topic!