We have been blessed with beautiful weather this week and some great learning opportunities. The children have loved moving around the various areas in our outdoor space during their free-flow lunchtimes.
Throughout this term the children have been building upon their programming and coding skills using Scratch. This week they had an opportunity to put these skills to the test as they were asked to write their own story and create this on the app. Then they swapped with their partner who had to finish their story with an unexpected ending. The stories were very interesting and demonstrated how much the children have learnt this term.
In English we have been gathering language in preparation for writing our myth narratives based on our book Arthur and the Golden Rope. Today we thought of impressive abstract noun phrases, expanded noun phrases, effective verbs and fronted adverbials which we will use in our writing next week.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the weather,
Miss Gormley and Mr Hannigan.