We have had two special days this week in Year 4.
On Tuesday we celebrated our second Caritas in Action day this year. In Year 4 this involved working together to identify the needs of our community and deciding how best to support people experiencing these difficulties. We discussed how we could work together with local MP’s to overcome some of the barriers these people face. In our second activity we shared some of our Christmas traditions. We learnt a lot about how families from different cultures celebrate in different ways, and each child was able to share their fond Christmas memories.
On Thursday we had our end of term Christmas party in our Phase group with Year 3, and it was a lot of fun. We had singing, dancing, crafts, games, movies and multi-sport activities, as well as some tasty treats. It was a great afternoon and it really put us all in the Christmas spirit!
Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday for our final week before Christmas break,
Mr Hannigan and Miss Gormley.