Year 4 have clearly been making their News Years resolutions because they have arrived back to school ready to challenge themselves and achieve their goals.
We have been focused on all things reading this week, as we begin our new term.
In English, we have begun our new book, ‘The Whale’, which Year 4 were surprised to find out is a picture book. This book will provide the children with a visual interpretation of the story and start meaningful discussions. This will be the inspiration for writing their own newspaper reports and setting narratives.
During our visit to the library, the children chose a new book which sparked their interest. We are encouraging the children to choose chapter books as they develop their reading ability. In the coming term, we will be asking Year 4 to use our Library ReadingCloud to write digital book reviews and read ebooks. This is also a great resource for the children to find out about the books which will be available prior to visiting the library.