What an exciting start to 2024 we have had!!
In Year 4 we have enjoyed beginning our new topics. We have jumped into our new focus book in English called ‘The Whale’ and enjoyed trying to predict what it could be about based on a variety of clues.
In Science, we started our topic ‘Living Things’ where we incorporated all of our prior knowledge onto a poster to create a mind map. We noted things such as different animal groups, plant groups, invertebrates, vertebrates and remembered different characteristics of why living organisms belong to a certain group. In Geography, we have begun our learning on ‘Volcanoes and Earthquakes!’ and have explored a range of new vocabulary such as seismic waves, seismic activity, pyroclastic flow, and caldera to name a few!
Today, we were also treated to a phenomenal performance by our amazing gymnasts and celebrated all of the sporting achievements so far in the school year, we were blown away by the skills and performances. Well done to all those involved and Mr. Grant for organising!