The children were shocked to see nappies in our classroom this week! In Science, we conducted experiments to test the absorbency of different nappies. The children discussed how they could make this a fair test and then produced conclusions determining which nappy was the most absorbent based on the data they collected.
We have thoroughly enjoyed the heatwave this week, making the most of the lovely weather by spending Tuesday morning at Aloyisius playing fields for Sports Day! The children enjoyed participating in the races and cheering on their teammates.
We had a fantastic time exploring the djembe drum from West Africa! The djembe drum is made of wood with goatskin on top, and it can make different sounds depending on where you hit it. When you hit the middle with your hand, it makes a deep, low sound. It sounds clear if you hit the edge with your fingers flat and when you snap near the edge, it’s sharp and loud. During our lesson, the students got to try making these different sounds and learned how to play rhythms together. One of the highlights was when we did call and response drumming. One student would play a rhythm, and then the others would copy. It was like having a musical conversation!