This week has been a big week in Year 3.
On Wednesday both Emerald Class and Green Class ventured down to Sir John Soane’s Museum. Sir John Soane, an architect born in the 1700s, was known for his beautiful buildings that used light, shadows, and reflections to create unique designs. With this in mind, the Year 3s took part in 3 activities across the visit that consolidated their understanding of new, challenging vocabulary as well as seeing the beauty that light and shadow can bring to spaces. This all linked perfectly to this term’s Science topic, ‘Light and Shadows’.
On Thursday, the Year 3s participated in a Computing workshop based around internet safety, delivered by the 3 Discovery team. The goal was to create comic books, using iPads, about how to be safe on the internet. Miss Duffy and Mr Woodhouse must say how impressed they are with both classes’ understanding of how to use the internet in a safe and fun way, and their creativity.