St Joseph’s kicked off the Catholic Jubilee Year with a jam-packed week of reflection, learning, and creative fun! The children learned that the Jubilee Year of Hope is special in the Catholic Church because it is a time when people come together to pray, celebrate, and ask for forgiveness. As the theme is ‘Pilgrims of Hope,’ we should journey through this year trusting in God and spreading hope worldwide.
The children wrote insightful reflections on the events of our Jubilee Mass, with one child commenting that their favourite part was singing our new school hymn as it was a joyful celebration of their love for God.
Back in class, we researched what a pilgrimage is and why pilgrims often choose to walk it. The children reflected on how this could be a great time to pray to God, build a Church community, and show dedication. We also discussed symbols of hope, and created lanterns of hope. The children loved seeing a physical representation of their glowing hope in God’s power.
Our favourite part of the week was listening to the children share their hopes for our classes, our school, and our global community. We are so lucky to have such thoughtful and compassionate children in Year 3, and our hope is that their hopes come true!