Happy New Year to everyone! It’s been a busy first week back for Year 2. The pupils continued their learning about shapes in Maths by moving onto looking at 3D shapes and their properties. The children investigated the number of faces, edges and vertices on shapes such as cylinders, spheres, cuboids, triangular prisms, pyramids, cubes and cones by looking closely at them. In English, the children have been introduced to their new focus text for this half-term ‘The Bog Baby’. The children made predictions about the plot of the book and also used a dictionary to explore new vocabulary in the text such as ‘newt’, ‘struggle’, ‘squelch’, ‘gravel’ and ‘damp’. They recorded the definitions of each word then as a challenge they wrote their own sentences which included the new vocabulary. In Science, the children have started their new topic all about plants called ‘Young Gardeners’. The children drew a scientific diagram of a flower with labels of the key parts such as roots, stem, leaves, petals and anther. They even described the function of each of these parts. To end the week, the children played some board games on Friday afternoon as a reward for their hard work on the first week back after a relaxing Christmas break!