This week in Year 2, the children have learned about habitats and microhabitats. They now know that a habitat is a large area where a living thing can be found because it has all the things it needs to survive such as food, water and shelter. In addition, they also learned that a microhabitat is a much smaller version of a habitat where living things such as ants, caterpillars, woodlice, worms and spiders live. Examples of microhabitats include leaf litter, a patch of grass, a log, loose rocks and even the cracks in the pavement. Afterwards, the children had an opportunity to explore the school grounds to search for minibeasts in their microhabitats. They managed to find quite a few and the most common was woodlice… many of these were hiding underneath the wooden stools near the treehouse and in the woodland area. Some children also found worms wriggling around as well as ants and spiders crawling all over the place. We didn’t see many snails however because it was a dry day and know that snails tend to like wet weather as they can move much easier on moist surfaces.