This half-term in Geography, Year 2 have been learning all about the world. They have learned about the oceans, continents and have even compared aspects of human and physical geography such as landmarks and weather in the UK and Ecuador. The children have also been busy making their very own projects on a country of their choice. They were keen to share their hard work on a wide range of countries such as Brazil, Italy, Poland, Zambia, Ghana, The Philippines, Nigeria and Argentina. You can see some of their amazing projects below!
Last week in Science, the Year 2s made their own predictions about whether or not cress seeds would be able to grow on cotton wool. On Friday, the children observed some tiny seedlings which proved the seeds had germinated successfully but over the weekend, they had a growth spurt! The children were amazed to see the cress had grown quite a bit which proves that some seeds and plants do not need soil to grow, just enough water and the right temperature.