This week Year 2 have been using their mathematical skills to partition numbers into tens and ones. They have been using the base ten to physically part the numbers into two groups. They then moved onto using the part-whole model. We are so proud of their learning this week, well done Year 2.
Furthermore, in Year 2 we are have been continuing our learning of the story of Noah (Genesis chapter 9 verses 8-17) and his covenant with God. The children discussed the meaning of the rainbow and how this represented the promise that God made to Noah and to the Earth.
Year 2 learned about Call and Response singing, in a South African style. They learned to sing a song called ‘Hands, Feet, Heart’ in this style. They also recapped their knowledge of dynamics, learning what a crescendo is (when the music gets louder, more forte), as well as the opposite: a diminuendo (when the music gets quieter, or more piano).
Also, a huge congratulations to Yellow class who received the attendance award last week for 100% attendance!