After a busy first week back, our brand new Year 2 pupils have settled into their classrooms and already made a wonderful start to the school year! On Tuesday, the children wrote some personal goals for this term. They also talked about rules and routines that have to be followed to make our school a happy and peaceful place to learn, love and grow! In addition, the children learned about our school’s mission statement and prayer in R.E. lessons. In Maths, the pupils started their place value topic by looking at 2-digit numbers and were able to identify tens and ones using counters and dienes. In Science, the children confidently identified healthy and unhealthy foods. They thought very carefully about where to place certain foods such as burgers, as some children said it really depends if you put lettuce and tomato on the burger or cheese and lots of bacon. Well done to everyone in Year 2! You’ve made a fantastic start!